Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Flint Alumnae Chapter
Flint Alumnae Chapter
On behalf of the executive board and over 110 members of Flint Alumnae Chapter, it is with great pleasure and honor that I welcome you to the 2023-2024 sorority year!
As the 31st President, I continue to be amazed by our journey and looking forward to serving in my second year as Flint Alumnae Chapter boldly steps forward as a stronger cohesive unit to serve our community, with continued focus on membership development, engagement, retention, collegiate connection and reclamation of our Sorors, while representing the fruit of our intense work and servitude by being recognized at the Midwest Regional level and National level for our stellar service with our Youth in the Community. Our innovative inaugural Beauty Expo, led by our Delta GEMS took centerstage with young women and their mothers. We charge you and our Delta Academy Committees, with continued growth, creativity and intentional focus on collaborative partnerships and engaging our youth.
We are thankful for our community partners such as the Mott Foundation, HAP, Chase Bank, The Flint Public Library, Doyle-Ryder School, McLaren Hospitality House, Flint Literacy Network, North End Soup Kitchen, the League of Women Voters, Valley Area on Aging, AARP and so many others! We are charged to align our service activities with our Five Point Program Thrust, while ensuring we remain relevant in addressing the needs of our shared community. The Thrust focuses on the following five areas: Economic Development, Educational Development, International Awareness and Involvement, Physical and Mental Health, and Political Awareness and Involvement.
Our strategic goals include the sustainability and growth of our Youth Group Programs, focus on mental health and wellness, increasing our community presence, impact and collaborative partnerships, while considering new initiatives, all fueled by our 4 principles of action: Sisterhood, Scholarship, Service, and Social Justice.
This sororal year it is critical that in all we do, we serve collaboratively, with fortitude as the guiding light of our international and local partnerships and service. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. has always been at the forefront of change, social action and advocacy.
It is my hope that you will join us in support of the variety of empowering community service activities, scholarship fundraisers that support our local high school scholars and various other advocacy and educational programs as we continue to move “Forward with Fortitude”!
Thank you for your continued support!
In Delta Love and Service,
Tamar Swain, President
Flint Alumnae Chapter
Flint Alumnae Chapter continues to allocate annual scholarships through our Rebecca Louise Robinson Scholarship fund, we continue to mobilize service-based organizations into communities that have the greatest need through our Basic Needs Fair, and Flint Alumnae Chapter continues to mentor young girls and boys through our Delta Academy, G.E.M.S. and E.M.B.O.D.I. programs. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. laid the foundation of service for Flint Alumnae Chapter by implementing the Sorority’s National Five-Point Programmatic Thrust: