Dr. Jeanne Noble

Delta G.E.M.S.

Delta GEMS, a national signature program of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., is designed to empower young women ages 14-18 by providing a supportive network that encourages them to achieve their dreams. The program focuses on instilling a “CAN DO” attitude in at-risk adolescent girls, guiding them through college and career planning with five key components: Scholarship, Sisterhood, Show Me the Money, Service, and Infinitely Complete. These components offer opportunities for self-growth and help participants develop the skills necessary to thrive intellectually, socially, and responsibly in today’s society.

The primary goals of Delta GEMS are to promote academic excellence, equip girls with tools for success, and foster compassionate, community-minded young women through service learning. The program’s monthly activities cover a wide range of topics, including financial planning, sisterhood bonding, self-esteem building, physical fitness, and self-defense. The year culminates in a closing banquet that celebrates the girls’ accomplishments, reinforcing the growth and empowerment they’ve achieved throughout the program.